FAQ's - Regarding Men’s BASIC and ADVANCED Boot Camps
About Being Sons and Alamo Band of Brothers (ABOB)
Who are the Alamo Band of Brothers? The Alamo Band of Brothers (ABOB) is a small group of men from the San Antonio area who first met in 2006 at a men’s event offered by Wild at Heart Ministries in Colorado. As a result our lives were profoundly impacted and our paradigm of Christianity shaken. The fruit has been an ever-deepening understanding of God’s Word, plan and specific calling in our daily lives. Though we come from several different churches, denominational backgrounds and vocations, we’ve locked arms because we believe in the calling on every man’s life to live wildly in this adventure and walk with God. As of 12-15-20 together we have hosted 23 boot camps locally in the Texas Hill Country.
What is the relationship between BEING SONS and ABOB? Being Sons is a ministry idea birthed in 2011 and officially founded in 2014 by Director Jay Heck, a founding member of the Alamo Band of Brothers.
Does Being Sons/ABOB have a statement of faith? Yes. Click Here
Is Being Sons/ABOB something to be joined? The Alamo Band of Brother is just the name we came up with to begin inviting men into the journey. Our hope is that your heart will be stirred and set free by this presentation of the offer Jesus made in His gospel, and that you will partner with God to gather a group of men around you to accompany you in this very real adventure. Being Sons offers FIGHT CLUBS and other fathering adventures to help men mature in fellowship with other like-hearted men.
About ABOB Boot Camp Events (BASIC and ADVANCED)
What are the ABOB Boot Camps?
It is an event designed specifically to introduce/re-introduce men to the epic story and power of the Gospel which has largely been replaced by lesser messages of doctrine, duty and discipline. Our BASIC event helps men get freedom from the snares of religion and culture to find God again. It is a wakeup call to men who didn't know they were asleep. It is the crystal clear invitation from God to become the man you have always wanted to be, a man like Jesus, faithful and true. It's not religious and it's not full of false machismo. It's home.
What is the Alamo Band of Brothers ADVANCED Boot Camp?
ADVANCED Boot Camp is designed as the next level for men who have already attended a BASIC Boot Camp hosted by either the Alamo Band of Brothers or Wild at Heart Ministries. ADVANCED will build on the foundation laid at BASIC Boot Camp but it will go deeper. We have come to recognize that no matter where you are with God, there is always more.
We strongly recommend that all participants have come through a BASIC Basic Boot Camp at least 6 months prior to attending or have attended multiple BASIC Boot Camps. Working through the Wild at Heart Field Manual is also an excellent preparatory exercise before attending ADVANCED.
What are the prerequisites for attending ABOB events?
You must be a man at least 18 years of age.
What can I do to prepare for an Alamo Band of Brothers event?
Pray, of course, and ask God to direct you in how to pray. God is willing to give in much greater measure than we’re often willing to ask. Our events are not designed to help you manage finances, be a better husband or lead people to Christ (though these may be great by-products). Our events are designed to awaken things in you that have too long been asleep. Ask to be awakened! One suggestion is to read “Wild at Heart” by author John Eldredge. It’s a great read and will certainly begin to stir your heart with longings and desires that have gone “underground”.
On the use of electronic devices:
For the benefit of everyone we implore and advise, challenge and invite you to turn off all electronic devices for the duration of the event. While it has become very popular to take notes on tablets, laptops and smartphones, they will be a distraction both to you and to the other men in attendance. The use of these devices as cameras is also super convenient, we understand. However, we have learned over the years that electronic devices are a distraction and have compromised the experience for the men who have been unable to observe this wise rule. Please pass the emergency number for the hosting facility on to loved ones before you leave, then tell your family and your boss (even if you are the boss) that you are taking time away with God. Then turn it all OFF. Thank you.
Will this event be physically demanding?
No! Don’t worry. Even though “boot camp” is in the name, this event won’t require any physical exertions that are out of the ordinary. Some optional activities will be available, if you choose, that may require higher physical exertion.
Can I bring my son/father with me to this event?
Due to the intimate and personal nature of the content, ABOB/Being Sons Boot Camps cannot be viewed as a father/son events. We strongly encourage fathers and sons to attend, but they will need to participate in different boot camps, at least for each of their first experiences in this retreat. Due to the nature and depth of the content and experience, men’s BASIC boot camp is not designed for youth. You must have completed high school or be at least 18 years of age to attend.
What do I need to bring?
Great question. We will send you a packing list closer to BASIC.
All Rooms are multiple occupancy.
Bedding and linens are NOT provided. Bring sleeping bag, sheets, blanket and pillow to suit.
Personal Items – Medication, toiletries, garbage bag for wet & dirty clothes
Camp Chairs – While meetings room chairs are provided, your personal camp chairs will be more comfortable. We highly recommend getting one you are comfortable in for long sittings.
Mask or Bandana or Buff is optional.
Layered Clothing - weather can vary from very hot to very cold and change rapidly. We suggest you prepare to dress in layers to accommodate the changing weather.
Cold Weather Clothing - Including jacket, gloves, cap, long underwear, warm socks
Wet Weather Jacket – Lightweight and waterproof jacket with hood.
Trail Shoes – Low-top, lightweight hiking shoes work best. They provide more comfort, support and traction than normal athletic shoes. Ensure they fit properly.
Extra cash - Some merchandise might be available for purchase.
Fishing poles and tackle – There is great fishing with crystal clear water and lots of fish.
Mountain Bike and Helmet - A Helmet is required for all riding.
Small Day pack
Water Bottle
Insect Repellant
Shorts / Swim Trunks – The water may be cold, but it will still be wet.
Hat for sun shade
Can I select my roommate?
All rooms are multiple occupancy so you WILL be sharing a living space with someone. We’ll do our best to accommodate your rooming requests. When you sign up, list the other people in your group. If you want you can save the bunk next to yours when you arrive. Ear plugs will be available to all which work very well!
Can I arrive late or leave the Event early?
Sorry, but no. This retreat is a journey and must be treated as such. To miss Thursday night, Sunday morning, or any portion of BASIC would compromise the work God intends to do in you. We’re all big boys. Arrive on time. If you cannot attend the retreat in its entirety we ask that you stay posted for the dates of the next Boot Camp and allow someone else to experience BASIC in its fullness.
Registration Info
General Registration Information
Registration is open to the public to a limited number of participants on a first come-first served basis. Individuals may register online by clicking the link on the registration page. This will take you to a separate and secure registration website. Shortly after your credit card information has been processed you will receive a confirmation email. Before the retreat you will receive information that will be essential to prepare yourself for our mission together.
What does the registration fee for Being Sons/ABOB Boot Camp events cover?
Your registration fee covers all lodging, meals through breakfast on Sunday, tuition, and materials for the whole weekend. It does not include travel arrangements to and from the event.
Cancellation Policies:
Full payment is required at the time your reservation is made for this event. You may cancel your registration and receive a refund of your registration fee up to 30 days prior to the date of the event; provided, however, you will be charged a $100 handling fee upon the cancellation of your registration. In the event that you cancel your registration less than 30 days prior to the date of the event, you will forfeit the entire registration fee. Regardless of when you cancel, your registration is not transferable to another event, date, or person. To cancel your registration, send an e-mail to admin@beingsons.com.
If the event is made impossible by any act of God, war, earthquake, flood, fire, strike, sickness, accident, epidemic, pandemic, act of government, its agencies or officers, or any other legitimate cause beyond our control, we will cancel the event and refund your full Being Sons event registration fee to you. This includes Covid-related shutdowns or restrictions that would make the event possible, but compromised.
Can I transfer my acceptance or registration to another person?
Sorry, but no. If you decide not to attend the event, your slot will be given to the first person on the waiting list.
Being Sons and our hosting facility are working hard in partnership to bring you the best experience possible while taking appropriate precautions to protect us all against the spread of Covid and all infectious disease. However, there is no way to guarantee participants will not be exposed. We STRONGLY SUGGEST you consider carefully registering for this event if you will be going back and exposing someone who is considered a higher risk for death due to Covid-19. Here is the latest info on high risk people from the CDC.
What We Will Do to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19
First, we will pray in faith and trust God to keep us safe while He gives us an amazing experience.
By this time the practice of wearing face coverings and social distancing are widely known. We will not encourage or discourage the wearing of masks. We ask you to follow your conscience and practice safe distancing to protect yourself and others. Current guidelines could change between now and the time of the event but if this happens we will make you aware. Their facilities are thoroughly sanitized between groups and sanitation stations are present everywhere.
We will here describe the measures we will take to adhere to these guidelines and provide reasonable protection from Covid-19 exposure. In the event restrictions tighten to the point where the quality of the event is compromised, we will notify you, cancel the event, and give you a full refund. Our mission and desire is to provide a life-changing experience for you, free from fear, but this cannot happen if we choose to live in fear. We are all taking a risk in many ways every time we step out the door. And we believe by observing the precautions and guidelines listed below we will be kept reasonably safe without compromising the quality of our experience at this event.
We require every member of ABOB team, the host facility staff, and all participants to perform self-examinations for the 5 days prior to arrival. If you develop covid, covid symptoms, or have been exposed to someone with covid in the prior 5 days to arrival, you must withdraw from participating, and you will receive a full refund . Upon arrival your temperature will be taken and your signature required to verify that you have performed self examinations for 5 days and have no symptoms or exposure. All participants will have their temperatures taken every morning.
If someone is feeling ill, we will have the ability to test for covid. If the test comes out positive for a participant, that participant will be required to find lodging elsewhere immediately and those who have been in close contact with them will also be tested.
Sanitation stations will be present all over campus.
If you are comfortable with the guidelines above, we encourage you to register. If you are uncomfortable with these guidelines we recommend you DO NOT REGISTER at this time.