What we believe
We believe in the One True God, the Sovereign, eternal Creator of all that exists, both seen and unseen. God is eternally existent in three persons, yet is one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, only, infallible, inerrant, authoritative Word of God.
We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, his virgin birth, his sinless life, his miracles, the salvation of the world through his atoning death and shed blood, his bodily resurrection, his ascension to the right hand of the Father and in his personal return to earth in power and glory.
We believe that God created mankind in His image. The first human beings, Adam and Eve, sinned against God. The result of this sin was that they and all their progeny became separated from God. The original glory and dignity of mankind, as they were created in the image of God, was compromised, as all their progeny, at birth, became subject to the power of sin and the devil. This condition is hopeless and unchangeable by human effort. The only remedy for mankind’s eternal separation from God is redemption through faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe that when a person places their faith in Jesus Christ they pass immediately out of a state of spiritual death into a new life. The old self is crucified with Christ and a new self is resurrected. A new, good heart is imparted and there is no longer a separation from God. We become, by covenant, His children. This is the work of Christ.
We believe the Holy Spirit lives within all believers and empowers and instructs the Christian to live a godly life.
We believe in the resurrection of all mankind; they who are saved unto the resurrection of life and they who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
"The place where God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's hunger meet." -Friedrich Bueckner