What is First Tracks?
First Tracks is a 3 day/2 night one-on-one weekend for fathers with sons age 9 to 13 years old. We use adventure, sacred teaching and lots of joy to help fathers pursue and encourage their maturing sons. At First Tracks we will equip you to skillfully guide your son through the early stages of the masculine journey and make decisive course corrections before larger issues arise.
"The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him."
- Proverbs 23:24
Upcoming First Tracks
Oct 21-23, 2022
CAMP EAGLE IN Rocksprings, TX
APRIL 28-30, 2023
CAMP EAGLE IN Rocksprings, TX
yes, a weekend can change you and your son.
From Feedback Forms…
"My son knows he is unconditionally loved, not just because I've said it but because I've shown it. (This was) way underpriced for the value I've received."
-Jake Laginess - Father
First Tracks Alumni
"It has meant a whole lot!
God revealed to me how to overcome my fears when I went rappelling down a 90 foot mountain. I have come a lot closer to my Dad."
-Nolan Amerman - Age 10
First Tracks Alumni
"There is (now) a bond between my son and me. We looked fear in the face, trusted the Lord and came out victorious! ...Nothing I would rather spend my money on."
-Rich Yennerell - Father
First Tracks Alumni
This video was created by 13-year old Landon Juern from First Tracks. Thanks Landon!
Day 1 - Friday:
Check-In and Dinner
Nighttime Outdoor Activity (for Sons Only)
Presentation 1 for Fathers - "The Ancient Path to Manhood"
Father/Son Night time Activities
Day 2 - Saturday:
A Professionally guided Half-Day Group Adventure
A Half Day for each Father/Son pair to choose from a wide variety of activities (Waterfront, 850' Zip Line, Hiking, Court Sports, Kayaking and more)
Night time Outdoor Activity (for Sons Only)
Presentation 2 for Fathers - "The Intentional Father"
Father/Son Night Activities
day 3 - Sunday:
Morning Outdoor Activity (for Sons only)
Morning Presentation 3 for Fathers - "His First Tracks into Manhood"
Morning Father Son Activity
Lunch then Launch
*Itinerary is subject to change, but only for the better.
“He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers...”
*Cost is $700 per father/son pair. First Tracks Base Camp Cost includes: 7 meals per person and snacks (catered), Lodging, multiple professionally outfitted/guided/supervised adventure activities, presentations, coaching and adventure mementos.
This trip is a one-on-one adventure for fathers (or father figures) to have with sons (or spiritual sons) and is limited to 15 father/son pairs. While the backdrop for this weekend is adventure there will be no activities that require anything more than a moderate level of fitness and an adventurous spirit. Participation in the adventures is optional but strongly encouraged to receive the highest value from this amazing weekend.
Click here for Frequently Asked Questions about First Tracks
If interested in taking an adventure or sponsoring, please contact us.
Camp Eagle is located in Rock Springs, TX
6424 Hackberry Rd,
Rocksprings, TX 78880