the blog
“But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
-Matthew 7:14
Why do only a few find it? Has God made it difficult to find, like a needle in a haystack? Does it require we stomach the stale life and boredom we often associate with “holiness”? While God alone satisfies our divinely planted thirsts, few choose to drink from this fountain, for only a few have the willingness to look God in the eye and answer the tough questions being in his presence requires. This robust, exciting and sometimes terrifying Father-son-adventure-life with God begins and grows strong only with the willingness to risk your life, which begs the questions “What kind of life do you have, and what kind of life do you really want?”
So where are the men leading the way into this adventurous life? What if there are masses of men aching to follow God in to the adventure, but they don’t really know it’s available? Or how to begin it? What if these thirsty men are simply needing to hear the story of another’s man journey, so that they might also be emboldened to chase the impossibility of becoming a Son of God? They would need to hear a story that demonstrates that God’s heart toward us is only good, that He has and is executing a plan in the world with mastery, that we are invited to have a critical role in that plan, and that He is willing to move heaven and earth to raise a man’s life from the ashes and teach Him to really live. That story would require God coming on our behalf, in love, to do the impossible. Each of us will surely come to the end of our days without excuse for not trusting God to do in us and through us what we believe to be “impossible”. And that’s why Jesus warns us “There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death.” (Prov 16:25)
This is what the LORD says:
Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.
-Jeremiah 6:16
Choosing to trust God, one step at a time, a man might see little growth in the day, but will surely see amazing maturity and an ever increasing strength in every area of his life in the years and decades ahead. So, as has always been the way of men allowing their hearts to lead them back to their Maker, I invite you to seek that kind of life with me, the kind of life that many are invited into, but few choose.
These alone will change you and me:
Being loved.
Being raised.
Being fathered.
Being sons.
This blog is a logbook on my adventure in both being and becoming a son of God.