Journal Entry 4- The Wound
every man is wounded.
"But you, Sovereign Lord, help me for your name's sake;
out of the goodness of your love, deliver me.
For I am poor and needy,
and my heart is wounded within me."
-King David
Let's be honest, it is almost antithetical in the Western culture and even the culture of the church to say that everything isn't great. But you know it isn't, right? And if you get real still and quiet (and when is the last time you actually did that?) you know that things aren't quite as they should be. Nothing ever seems to be quite right at work. It seems like there is a tension to constantly manage in our marriage that never really goes away. Despite our best efforts, things never seem to come out right when we try to engage the kids. And when is the last time you had a deep meaningful conversation with another man?
Guess what? Things aren't quite right. The story you have lived up to this point is not exactly as it should have been. It isn't what our Father intended. And by the way, this isn't really so much about the things you've done, but more about the things that’ve been done to you...things you've experienced. Maybe even by the people who should have known better, but somehow didn't. Their own brokenness provided, in kind, the same to you.
It doesn't make you "damaged goods" to acknowledge this. It just puts you in the right posture to receive the full work of the Christ. The necessary step required for healing and restoration is to acknowledge that something needs to be healed and restored.
And by the way, this isn't a journey into blame, but understanding. It's not about identifying your dad or anyone else as a bad person, but instead acknowledging that their lives had an impact on yours and that as a result, there is some work to be done. Substantial healing is available right here and now, and isn't reserved for the "later on" and "way up yonder". Taking the journey into "things weren't quite right" may be the most difficult and opposed one you will ever take. It takes tremendous courage, but it is the necessary journey you must take to find the freedom and restoration you desire...the freedom and restoration you were made for...the freedom and restoration Jesus came to bring you.
Ready to get started?
Let’s Keep Going,
Brian Schroller
The Alamo Band of Brothers
Homework you will enjoy: A Movie
One of the best movies on the topic of the Wound is "Good Will Hunting". It is likely a movie you've seen before, but now that you’re on this journey with us you’ll likely watch it with very different eyes. Will Hunting is essentially an incredibly gifted young man whose broken story has completely shrouded his true glory. You get to see the root of his anger/frustration and watch him start the journey to becoming healed and free. And it takes a persistent father who comes out of nowhere to make his rescue possible. It's the journey we must all take.
Journal Questions:
Do you have a wound?
1. Did you grow up knowing the delight of your father?
-Did you have a sense that you were safe, loved and all was right with the world?
-Did your father initiate you spiritually? As a man?
-Did he teach you that you had what it takes to be a man?
-Did he make you feel like you were a man?
2. Do you ever find yourself being fearful, anxious, or lacking confidence?
-Where does this show up in your life?
-What do you feel like this timidity is costing you?
3. When you look back over your life as a man, what were the most challenging situations you’ve faced?
-What did each of them tell you about yourself? What messages did you receive from them?
Take these questions to the Father:
1. What have been the wounding situations of my life that shaped me?
2. What are the messages that I received from them?
3. Will you walk me back into them to reveal and heal the wounds that came?
Now it's time to get it done:
Walk the courageous journey into understanding and get the healing and restoration Jesus came to offer. This is no overnight fix (usually) but this is precisely what God is offering. Settling for anything less is to reject the full work of Christ and settle for only a portion. Healing and restoration is your heritage and your right as a man of God. Take this next bold step. Do the work. We'll help guide you on where to go next. All the forces of darkness are set against you going on this journey. Persevere. Overcome. Get you some freedom and the life you were created for.
Resources for you
1. The Daily Prayer. This is the truth you need. Packed with scripture to re-orient your heart around the truth of who God is, who you are in Him, and what He is doing in you through the power of Jesus perfect and complete work. We strongly suggest you make it a part of your morning routine every single day.
2. Ransomed Heart Tribe gives you great resources on this topic. Use the Promo Code ALAMOBROTHERS to extend the free trial another month. All of these resources are available for free download, so even if you don't keep the subscription, they are giving you the resources, essentially for free.
3. Brene' Brown has been a YouTube sensation after uncovering through research what factors help people live wholeheartedly. Check out this TED talk, the Power of Vulnerability, that uncovers the power of shame and reveals the path to wholeheartedness and joy. You could actually watch anything by her and see how God is using her personal breakdown to shed scientific light on the very real power of sin and shame to shield us from love.
4. Do you enjoy blogs? Books? Podcasts? Go to The Shed on our website and find an arsenal of resources to fight the good fight, and win.