
10: Practicing Sonship Stories - Sonship 101 E3 [podcast]

10: Practicing Sonship Stories - Sonship 101 E3 [podcast]

While externally it feels like resources and answers are in short supply, there is a way of living that is ancient, time tested, and utterly dependable to help a man come through any trial. And more than that - it offers the hope of becoming a better, stronger man.

This Way is called Sonship. But this way of living is always under fire. Let’s watch Jesus navigate the 3 temptations every sons will face.

05: John Eldredge Talks with Jay Heck [Podcast]

05: John Eldredge Talks with Jay Heck [Podcast]

Yep! We got to walk a few miles and ask a few questions of world changing son John Eldredge. Come listen as he invites us to take a deeper look at the heart of God for the world He is engaging to save, and how He does it.

02: The Untold Story of Jesus and Joseph P2 of 2 [Podcast]

02: The Untold Story of Jesus and Joseph P2 of 2 [Podcast]

What happened to Jesus between 12 and 30 years old? While Scripture says little, that doesn’t mean we aren’t invited to explore the question. If Jesus is in fact the pioneer of our salvation as Scripture tells us, it’s worth considering the journey Jesus had to take to become the man who changed everything and opened up the Kingdom of Heaven to all.

01: The Untold Story of Jesus and Joseph P1 of 2 [Podcast]

01: The Untold Story of Jesus and Joseph P1 of 2 [Podcast]

So little is known about the years of Jesus boyhood, but there is gold still to be mined. While God appears as silent as Joseph on the explicit details of Jesus early life, What He leaves to our informed imagination has the power to inform us about our personal journey. He appears eager to invite us to search out the full measure of His son’s humanity.