I got to speak with one of my parenting heroes and an expert on girl's development needs, Sissy Goff. Out of the 29 years experience she has invested in working with girls, she shares some incredible wisdom and encouragement.
Navigating our sons skillfully from boyhood into the world of men is confusing and sometimes terrifying, especially when it comes to the topic of sexuality. No father leads his son perfectly, but this perfection we'd like to offer is not as critical as simply having some courageous intentionality. In these next 2 episodes I have a conversation with my 20 year old son Baer and his best friend Jake
In part 2 of this 2-part conversation Darren shares his personal redemptive tale to help us see how God rescues us from living like orphans, reveals our true identity as His beloved sons, and molds us into the spiritual fathers the world so desperately needs.
Darren has taken the ancient path, chosen radical trust, and is living the life of significance every son is made for. In part 1 of this 2 part story-conversation he offers wisdom and encouragement to help us see and trust that God is up to creating a masterpiece out of every son's story.
Best-selling author and a father to many, John Eldredge joins us again for a 2-part conversation about learning to live with resilience from God in these testing times. It's the subject of his timely new book release "Resilient". We talk about the pressures of the hour we live in, the end of the age…